Last day at the Coastguard Station

Enough to bring a tear to the eye of many an old B Coy soldier, this series of photos from Kevin Phelan and others shows the last day of “The Coastguard”. First occupied by An Forsa on May 1st 1951 with the official opening of the new hall on May 20th, 1951. More photos after the break.




One thought on “Last day at the Coastguard Station

  1. Just for the sake of accuracy, the photos of the hut were taken some time (a few years) before the marching out parade. Our “square” was a public car park by then. I was Coy Comd at the time and we got word that the hut was to be demolished to make way for a boat yard (as seen in the later photos). A number of us came down the day before to remove the sign and take a few photoes for the record. Kevin Browne was Coy Comd (and I was promoted) when B Coy marched out from the Coastguard Station.

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