A Coy Guard of Honour

This is  composite of 2 photos, so pay no attention to the bad blockwork in the background!

Back Row: Jimmy Geraghty;Liam Murphy;Terry Shortt;Barney Murphy;Pat Ferguson;Sam Irwin; Paddy Smith (Shankill); remainder unknown

Middle Row: Nicky Murphy; Christy Matthews; Dick Shortt; Yacht(Damien) Kavanagh; John  Goode,  remainder unknown

Front Row: Bernard O’Brien (Major’s son)

Thought to be an A Coy group from a Guard of Honour for the All Army FCA Shooting Competitions.

Seen it in Fenit!

A change of venue for annual camp always meant there were new cultural sites to explore. When we went to Tralee some people went to the northside of the bay and Fenit and others to the southside and Ashe’s of Camp.

Gerry Paley has given these pictures of members studying the life of St Brendan the Navigator and other historical figures of the region. The pictures are different combinations of Gerry Paley, Bernard Swan, Kevin Connolly and Tom Walsh.

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BSM Tom Byrne

Brian Hayden’s “A Bn Sgt Major retires”, from his Bn History 1984.

On Friday October 28th, 1983 there was a large gathering of members of the 21 Inf. Bn. F.C.A. in Rockbrae House, Bray, Headquarters of the 21 Inf. Bn. F.C.A., for a presentation to Sgt. Major Tom Byrne on the occasion of his retirement as Bn. Sgt. Major.

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A Coy 1959-1984

I was in Rockbrae House last night (Sad looking, old and decrepid – but enough about me) and got a History of 21 Bn dated 1984, this time by Brian Hayden. It has a separate section for each company, although it repeats some of the stuff in the 21 year history obviously. It also includes lists of past and present (as at 1984) officers and NCOs. Due to the fact that A Coy, so far have no postings, I will begin with their history 1959-1984. There are a number of opinions stated in the text (all complimentary to A Coy and its members) and these remain those of the original author.

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Mortar and Pontoon bridge

Joe Burke, Mick Quinn and TP Brady far bank

In the 1970s C Coy’s Arklow centre was going strong. They had 25-30 on parade and T P Brady and Joe Burke would have them out training in Glenart on weekends. These photos from Pascal Foley show an exercise in Glenmalure during the 1970s where C Coy attacked a defensive position, across a river, using a pontoon bridge. As Pascal says “There was some crack and a few wet bodies”! Photos and captions thanks to the C COY Facebook page.

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