Trained killer!

Glen of Imaal 1994

Glen of Imaal 1994 (Timmy Doyle collection)

This picture came from the C Coy Facebook page, the consensus is that it was taken at annual camp in The Glen in 1994. As well as some comments regarding leaky pens ruining pockets a thread started regarding Johnny Byrne seen here on the right.

David Flood recalled the first time Johnny had them on an exercise in Kilbride. He told them that his martial arts skills meant that he was a trained killer, and had to hold back. His karate skills were so perfected that when he saluted he nearly killed himself!

There followed a series of complimentary comments about John – how he commanded a lot of respect from the younger members and one guy explained that he was one of the nicest men he ever trained under. Those of us who have known Johnny down through the years would wholeheartedly echo those sentiments.

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